On-Demand Education
Medial Shoulder Syndrome, Why is it Becoming so Common?
In the Clean Run Learning Center
Why is Medial Shoulder Syndrome (MSS) becoming so common, and how do you prevent it?
For a long time, MSS has been the most common forelimb orthopedic condition seen in agility dogs; however, over the past few years, the global incidence is rising at a startling rate. Why? In this webinar, Dr. Canapp digs deep into the cause of the injury, diagnostics, treatment options, prevention techniques, and maintenance (including supplements, home modalities, shoulder exercises, conditioning activities, etc.).
Dr. Canapp also shares the results of the landmark MSS study, Return to Agility Following MSS, 2006-2019. This data includes what owners were noticing as it related to performance problems. Did dogs that were spayed/neutered have a higher incidence of injury? What were the most common running surfaces where the injury occurred? Which therapies worked and which failed? Were the dogs able to return to agility after treatment and at what level? And much, much more!
Whether you train and compete in agility or other performance dog sports, or you are a veterinarian or rehab specialist that works with agility dogs, you need to tune in. It’s all about education, awareness, early identification, and prevention.
Iliopsoas Strains Webinar Plus in the Clean Run Learning Center
Iliopsoas strains are generally regarded to be an overuse injury. While any of us can injure our iliopsoas, sprinters, gymnasts, athletes who perform repeated hip flexion movements, and athletes who engage in plyometric jumping exercises (short-term, high-energy exercises) are at a much higher risk for the condition, due to the nature of their activities.
Our canine athletes are also required to sprint as well as perform high-energy jumping and other repetitive activities. So, it's easy to understand why hip flexor strains are identified so often in performance dogs.
Whether you train and compete in performance dog sports, or you are a veterinarian or rehab specialist that works with performance dogs, you need to tune in. It’s all about education, awareness, early identification, and prevention.