Sport: Protection & French Ring
My experience started 5 years ago when my Border Collie, Kraken was 6 months old. Just diagnosed with bilateral OCD of his shoulders I felt like his future was ending before it began. Thankfully I found the VOSM, the Drs. Canapp and the A team they have established at the VOSM.
It was like walking into a doggie Disneyland. All the latest diagnostic equipment, advanced technology including the best orthopedic surgeons, amazing musculoskeletal ultrasonagrapher, an array of laparoscopic equipment, in house MRI, and a team of dedicated staff to take care of the animals before and after surgery (cuddles and kisses are free of charge!). I could not believe my eyes. Kraken underwent bilateral arthroscopic surgery to correct both shoulders followed by stem cells/PRP and had a complete recovery.
Unfortunately, three years later we were back again this time for intermittent lameness of left rear leg. At the same time I was working up my Dutch Shepherd, Maicoh, for suspected MSS. Maicoh was trained in personal protection and French Ring and both took a toll on his shoulders. So off we went again for another evaluation. Kraken had a partial tear of his caudal cruciate diagnosed by arthroscopy and ultrasound and Maicoh, as suspected, had bilateral MSS.
Before I knew it, both of my dogs were in adjoining operating suites under anesthesia. Yes a true nightmare- but the A team was there for me and my dogs making sure they both received the most up to date care. Maicoh had a full recovery post 12 weeks in hobbles and rehabilitation. Kraken too had a fully recovered but then tore his right caudal ligament and shredded his long digital extensor and again we were at the VOSM seeing the Drs. Canapp to diagnose and fix his issues. While the caudal cruciate healed with stem cells/PRP, Kraken managed to tear his cranial cruciate (yes while under leash restrictions) and underwent a TPLO.
The surgery was a complete success despite Kraken fracturing his patella post op! Through all of this, my VOSM family provided me guidance and support. Kraken has now fully recovered and after 2 years of rehabilitation, many prayer and tears, and he is back doing all the things a healthy five year old Border Collie should be doing. He loves sheep herding, agility, swimming, hiking, and playing with his two Dutch Shepherd brothers and ruling our house. Maicoh has retired from French Ring and enjoys dock diving in his own dock dog pool in our yard, hiking and trying to keep Kraken in line as well Maicoh’s son, Lycan.
I watch Kraken being a normal, active Border Collie and Maicoh enjoying to swim and run and I cannot thank the Canapps and the dream team at the VOSM enough for giving them back full, active, pain-free, happy lives.
- Lisa

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