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A teleconsultation is an electronic communication that happens between a clinician and canine owner for the purpose of diagnostic or therapeutic education/advice. 


For canine owners, teleconsultation enables easy and convenient access to veterinary recommendations for out-of-state and international owners unable to travel to VOSM for a consultation with Drs. Canapp.  With guidance, based on the materials provided, this teleconsultation also increases the certainty to the owners that an in person evaluation to a convenient, qualified veterinary healthcare provider, is the correct next step for their dog.

"I am very thankful for the time Dr Canapp spent with me on the telephone consult.  He reviewed the prior history, the CT, the video of the dog’s gait we sent in detail.  We were sent pictures of the arthroscopy procedure so I could see what he was referring to with the procedure.  We discussed management without surgery, finding the right surgeon, type of scope, HA, PRP, Stem Cell and what our chances of success would be.  In conclusion it would depend on the cartilage damage and rehab, every case is different"


- Barbara Loree

Teleconsult details

Dr. Sherman Canapp offers remote consultation to canine companion and performance owners related to musculoskeletal injuries, lameness, undiagnosed orthopedic conditions, performance related issues, early identification and prevention.  


Owners will submit a consultation form, patient histories, diagnostics, medical records and videos of the patient prior to the teleconsultation being scheduled.  The materials will be reviewed in advance and a teleconsultation will be scheduled.  The telemedicine coordinator may reach out in advance for additional information, materials and videos if needed.


The fees for review of all materials and a 30 minute teleconsultation is $250.00. This will be paid in advance via the Teletails application.


Dr. Sherman Canapp provides consultations on orthopedic and sports medicine injuries and treatments, soft tissue injuries, osteoarthritis, regenerative medicine and biologics, and arthroscopic procedures.


Dr. Debra Canapp provides consultations on nutraceuticals and supplements, rehabilitation therapy, prevention and conditioning, and diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound.


What You Need

Book a Teleconsult!

Download the TeleTails Platform


Somewhere comfy to sit

Access to a webcam or smartphone camera for video sharing


30 Minutes to Chat with an Expert

An open mind


13180  F  Garrett Hwy #603
Oakland, MD 21550


TEL: 301-575-4135

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